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Referat über "Sealand"

Alles zu GB - England - United Kingdom1.In the World War II, the United Kingdom built a number of military bases, designed to shot down German air crafts and missiles. They were situated along the east coast of England.One of these bases, was the famous royal fort Roughs Tower. This island was situate in the international water of the North Sea, 10 km from Suffolk a town on the east coast. Exactly on this position:) (51°53'40"N, 1°28'57"O). Rougs Tower is fourtyseven meters long and is thirteen meters in width. The platform has an area from sixhunderteleven m². After WWII ended, none of these bases were ever used by the United Kingdom again. They leave the fort lonely.
2)On the second september of 1967, Paddy Roy Bates went to one of this fort. Because the fort is situate outside from the royal territory, he stayed there and said that`s his own state: The Principality of Sealand. The 12 Miles Boarder is valid for 1982. When Roy went to sealand the three miles boarder was valid. Because of this sealand wasn't in the british territory. He made himself to Prince Roy and his wife to Princess Joan.A year later, the royal Navy tried to remove the owner from Sealand. Prince Roy shot to their boats to warn them. Because of this, the Navy went to the U.K. and accused him. The court said, that they can`t do anything because Sealand is outside of the territory of Great Britain.
3. In August of 1978, a Dutch man and a German man came to Sealand. While Roy was away in Britain, these men kidnapped Prince Roy's son Michael. Soon after, Roy recaptured the island with a group of his own men and held the attackers as prisoners of war. Then Germany sent a diplomat. A few weeks later he let the prisoners free. Since Prince Roy view that Germany respected Sealand.
The next 15 years the U.K. troubled Prince Roy. He should give money for the radio and others.
But the court usually say that Sealand isn't in the territory of the united kingdom.
So the royal family of Sealand can live peacefully.
Today prince Roy is 79 years old, Princess Joan is 71 years old and his son Michael is 48 years old.
Michael is the boss of the company HavenCo. that saves sensible and secret dates there.
Lot of people asked: Is Sealand really a country?
Yes, all conditions are complete: Sealand has a permanent population, a territory, a own government and sealand is communicating with other states.
Also Sealand has a own flag, own arms, own money, own stamps, own passportsand a own national hymn.

Some criminal people fake passports from state sealand. So they can do evrey criminal activities. For example one man with a faked passport from sealand killed Gianni Versace. The official address:
Sealand, 1001, Sealand Postsack, IP11 9SZ, United Kingdom

The motto from Sealand:
E mare libertas (Latin, from the sea, freedom)
The history of the Principality of Sealand

Ein Referat über Sealand, einen kleinen Staat nahe der englischen Küste. Entstehung und Motto von Sealand. (495 Wörter)
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